
Continuano gli attacchi e le offese nei confronti della cultura italiana da parte della consigliera comunale di Chicago (USA) Rossana Rodríguez Sánchez. Attaccare la cultura italiana significa attaccare gli italiani e l’Italia e l’ennesima attività diffamatoria messa in atto, questa volta tramite Twitter, dalla consigliera Rodríguez Sánchez trova sempre la pronta difesa, della nostra storia e della nostra cultura, del Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mondo (CTIM) con il suo Presidente Vincenzo Arcobelli. Di seguito il testo della lettera, chiara e decisa, inviata da Arcobelli alla Sánchez, al Sindaco di Chicago e al Presidente del COMITES di Chicago Carlo Vaniglia.

Della questione si è occupata anche la CBS News Chicago, il cui servizio è possibile visionare CLICCANDO QUI



Dear Alderwoman Rodriguez-Sanchez:
As a Representative elected in the United States for the General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE) and on behalf of the Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mondo, I express deep disappointment regarding the offensive and inappropriate “tweet” that portrays Italian Americans of Chicago in a negative light. It was disrespectful and insensitive to suggest erecting statues of an Italian Ice and or a Bialetti monument. Your approval of comments advocating for statues of Al Capone eating spaghetti, or “Giardiniera Fountains” is wholly inappropriate. Such negative stereotypes are a sign of ignorance and prejudice, and CTIM’s mission as a not-for-profit organization is to end discrimination against Italian Americans. Please consider the many outstanding achievements of Italians, including Leonardo Da Vinci, Enrico Fermi, Marconi, Meucci, and many more inventors and scientists, as well as the contributions of Italian Americans to this great Country and our world’s culture.

I would encourage Alderwoman Rodriguez–Sanchez to take swift action and rectify this embarrassing situation for the Chicago Administration as well, with a sincere public apology to the Italian Americans and the entire Community. As well as to refrain from further ethnicity-base humor, I recommend you to visit Italy. Indeed, you will find a friendly Country, with individuals capable of surprising feats and a whole community, which reacts to ill-informed prejudice with a smile.

Vincenzo Arcobelli






